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FCM 1415 MSE-Z

Item no.: F004580

Stationary cold water high pressure cleaner

The stationary cold water high-pressure cleaner FCM 1415 MSE-Z is ideal for intensive cleaning of large areas due to its very high flushing power at not too high a pressure. A remote control allows you to easily select different cleaning programs during use and intelligent features such as the VARIOSTOP system, which allows short breaks in operation without directly switching off the machine, further increase ease of use. The integrated automatic timer also prevents the machine from continuing to operate unused, so that operating costs are kept as low as possible. The high flushing power can also be used effectively in industrial environments.

Ein Produktbild eines stationären FRANK Kaltwasserhochdruckreinigers der FCM-Serie in der MSE-Z Variante
FCM 1415 MSE-Z Sale price

Product features

Grafische Darstellung der Abschaltverzögerung Variostop


When the spray gun is closed, the machine is switched off with a time delay via the "VARIOSTOP" system (adjustable from 2 to 60 seconds). The device switches to pressure-free bypass operation until it is switched off.

Grafische Darstellung der FRANK Zeitabschaltautomatik

Automatic timer switch-off

During longer periods of non-use, the machine switches off completely automatically and is only ready for operation again when it is switched on again using the START button.

Grafische Darstellung der FRANK Druckschaltersteuerung

Pressure switch

Two pressure switches ensure that the machine is switched off if the pressure is too high or if the spray gun is released and switched on again when the spray gun is operated again.

Grafische Darstellung eines Überströmsicherheitsventils

Overflow safety valve

Protects against excessive pressure and ensures that the machine cannot be set above the permissible operating pressure.

Grafische Darstellung eines Temperaturwächters

Temperature monitor

Protects the pump from excessively high temperatures if water that is too hot is supplied to the water inlet tank.

Areas of use and application

Eine Lagerhalle mit mehreren aufgestapelten Kisten und Boxen und einer leeren Fläche in der Mitte

Large surfaces

Ideal for cleaning large areas such as parking lots or warehouses.

Eine große maschinelle Anlage mit vielen Verbindungsrohren steht in einer Industriehalle


Supports cleaning in industrial processes that require a lot of water.

Ein Stall mit mehreren futternden Rindern, die aufgereiht am Futtertrog stehen

Animal husbandry

Ideal for effective and quick cleaning of stables and livestock facilities.